Savannah Comic Con 2024 - Review
Savannah Comic Con
Aug 3rd-4th, 2024
Originally this convention was supposed to be held in March, but was moved due to conflicting schedules which wasn’t specifically disclosed. In my personal view this did benefit the convention, giving it more time to advertise while moving it more towards the end of the summer. Though, how was it as an artist in artist alley?
Compared to Animazing earlier this year the showroom was a full size rather than half, giving much more space for the artist alley as well full access to both bathrooms. This also allowed for the food stalls to be open, rather than causing fire hazard levels of crowds within the hallway. Thankfully instead of soggy food left in containers waiting to be ordered, it was all fresh and hot for the money you do fork over for a meal at the con. With the influx of people this time around they were able to casually walk and analyze the merchandise on every table, giving more opportunity for sales for each vendor. Which before was a big issue, where the flow of crowds had to be kept moving with no time to actually view the merchandise; meaning less sales.
The construction of the convention is almost complete. Having seen the general parking lot much cleaner and wider, the garage reaching its final phases and few glass panels left for the extended portion of the building. However, the parking lot for vendors is still left to be desired. Thanks to summer rain, along with a tropical storm heading our way over the weekend, the dirt lot was still uneven and filled with deep muddy puddles. Arriving on time would leave you with less than desirable spots as those who arrived early need not worry about the puddles. One of the chains was left unhooked for vendors to travel through with their carts happily this time. Be warned, there are some selfish people that have not once, but TWICE parked right in the spot blocking the entrance for others to safely get through. Even though we are all there to sell our wares together, numerous people were called over speaker due to blocking entrances to move or be towed. Do stand to report these people if you see them doing this and don’t park as they have. Be courteous and be aware.
There was some talk of hotels being potentially built closer to the convention center on the island, though that is to be seen with no official confirmation. If this is to be the case, then with the bigger building this should make it a more of a hot spot for conventions. Potentially even bigger ones! A downside with a limited space convention center as of right now is having everything within one room, including the trending wrestling as well a cosplay contest. The loud music along with slamming, loud announcers and other noise associated with these events in the same room made it hard to hear. You could barely speak to the customer as they could barely do the same, but as well made the mood of the area un-relaxing with high nerves. Luckily these weren’t all day, but still caused a disturbance to the atmosphere in the area for shopping. With the new additions to the building I can only hope they can be separated within the future, but if not, then keep this into consideration.
As for information given to the vendors via email. It was kept simple, brief and easy to follow. However once more, due to how check-in works for vendors there wasn’t a connected map. It would be nice if maps would be provided for the Savannah Comic Cons, especially for those doing a Stamp Rally as my group did for this convention. A small issue we found was the lack of an ending time listed for Saturday, leaving many of us wondering when we’re supposed to be leaving that day. However for Sunday they listed the gate being open at 9:00 am with VIP allowed through 9:30 am, compared to Saturday which we were allowed in at 7:00 am. Many of us do take our stock home to prevent any potential theft, thus needing to reset our area for the next day, but having it open so close to VIP arrival wasn’t ideal. If it would have been 8:00 am instead we wouldn’t be upset, but thankfully they did open it a bit earlier with many vendors waiting in the lot to get in. An added bonus was security being spotted likely for the front side and staff constantly walking around within the hall, giving a sense of safety all times.
Over all review- this convention wasn’t all that bad to visit or vendor at. Ironically, Savannah conventions seem to only do well when it rains or is going to rain. Any other time the convention lacks people and sales. How the convention is advertised and run does affect sales entirely, outside the odd rain fortune with this city. Being worth time and money to vendor here depends on you. Don’t expect major sales like at bigger cons, but you may just be surprised too.